Wielopikselowy detektor promieniowania THz zrealizowany z wykorzystaniem selektywnych tranzystorów MOS i jego zastosowanie w biologii, medycynie i systemach bezpieczeństwa


Promocja projektu

Promocja projektu



  • D. Coquillat, J. Marczewski, P. Kopyt, N. Dyakonova, B. Giffard, W. Knap: "Improvement of Terahertz Field Effect Transistor Detectors by Substrate Thinning and Radiation Losses Reduction", Optics Express, vol. 24, nr. 1, str. 272-281 (2016); IF: 3.148



  • K. Szkudlarek, et al.: "Terahertz 3D printed diffractive lens matrices for field-effect transistor detector focal plane arrays," Opt. Express 24, 20119-20131 (2016); IF: 3.148



  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, M. Zbieć, J. Marczewski, P. Zagrajek: "Complete Multichannel Readout Device for THz Measurements without Lock-in Technique", Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Kopenhaga, 25-30.09.2016, str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758630


  • P. Zagrajek, et al.: “Terahertz spectroscopy of blood and its components”, Proc. 5th EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology 8-11.05.2016, Pecs, Hungary, str. 1-2


  • P. Kopyt, B. Salski, P. Zagrajek, J. Marczewski: "Affordable Sub-THz Band-Pass Mesh Filters", Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Microwave, Radar and Wireless Communications, Kraków, 9-11.05.2016, str. 1-3

DOI: 10.1109/MIKON.2016.7492134


  • J. Marczewski, D. Obrębski, C. Kołaciński, M. Zbieć, K. Kucharski, P. Zagrajek, P. Kopyt: "Development of Multi-Pixel NMOS-Based THz Detectors and Readout System Targeted for Spectroscopy Applications", Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Łódź, 23-25.06.2016, str. 191-196

DOI: 10.1109/MIXDES.2016.7529730


  • D. Obrębski, C. Kołaciński, M. Zbieć, P. Zagrajek: "The Multi-Channel Small Signal Readout System for THz Spectroscopy and Imaging Applications", Proceedings of the 24th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC) (IFIP IEEE), Tallinn, 26-28.09.2016, str.1-6

DOI: 10.1109/VLSI-SoC.2016.7753562


  • P. Kopyt, B. Salski, P. Zagrajek, D. Obrębski, J. Marczewski: "Accurate Modeling of Silicon-Based Substrates for Sub-THz Antennas", Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Kopenhaga, 25-30.09.2016, str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758629


  • P. Zagrajek, J. Marczewski, D. Tomaszewski, D. Obrębski, K. Kucharski: "FET Based THz Detector with Integrated Antenna and Source Follower", Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Kopenhaga, 25-30.09.2016,  str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758631


  • P. Kopyt, B. Salski, P. Zagrajek, J. Marczewski: "Modeling of Silicon-Based Substrates of Patch Antennas Operating in the Sub-THz Range", IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Oct. 10th, 2016 -  w trakcie publikacji


  • J. Łusakowski, P. Kopyt, P. Zagrajek, D. Yavorskiy, K. Kucharski, A. Panas, J. Marczewski: "THz Detectors Based on Silicon MOSFETs Integrated with Planar Antennas for Spectroscopy", Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting on Terahertz (EMN 2016), San Sebastian 14-16.05.2016 (prezentacja)




  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, J. Marczewski, P. Zagrajek, „Low Noise Readout Circuit for THz Measurements without Using Lock-in Technique”, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Hong Kong, 23-28.08.2015, 2015, str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2015.7327919


  • D. Coquillat, J. Marczewski, P. Kopyt, N. Dyakonova, S. Ruffenach, D. But, F. Teppe, F. Schuster, B. Giffard, W. Knap, „Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Responsivity of the Field Effect Transistors Based Terahertz Detectors Versus Substrate Thickness", Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Hong Kong, 23-28.08.2015, str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2015.7327780


  • P. Zagrajek, J. Marczewski, M. Zaborowski, M. Piszczek, „Silicon junctionless field effect transistors as room temperature terahertz detectors”, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Hong Kong, 23-28.08.2015, 2015, str. 1-2

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2015.7327433


  • P. Kopyt, B. Salski, P. Zagrajek, J. Marczewski, „Affordable Sub-THz Band-Pass Mesh Filters”, Proc. MIKON-2016, 2016

DOI: 10.1109/MIKON.2016.7492134


  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, M. Zbieć, „The Complete Readout System for THz Spectroscopy”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Toruń, 25-27.06.2015, 2015, str. 396-401


  • J. Marczewski, W. Knap, D. Tomaszewski, M. Zaborowski, and P. Zagrajek, „Silicon junctionless field effect transistors as room temperature terahertz detectors”, Journal of App. Phys. vol. 118, p.104502 (2015)

DOI: 10.1063/1.4929967


  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, M. Zbieć, P. Zagrajek, „Design of Multichannel Readout System for Spectral Identification of Materials”, International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, vol. 6, nr. 2, str. 35-42 (2015)




  • D. Yavorskiy, P. Kopyt, J. Marczewski, J. Łusakowski, „Imaging of a THz beam with Si-MOSFET detectors”, 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves ( 39th Conf. IRMMW-THz, Tucson (USA) 15-19 September 2014

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956523


  • P. Kopyt et al., „Increasing responsivity of THz Radiation Detector Based on MOSFETs”, Proc. IRMMW-THz, Tucson, USA, 2014

DOI: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956525


  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, „Design of Integrated Readout Circuit for NMOS THz Detectors Based on Chopper Amplifier Concept”, International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, vol. 5, nr. 1, str. 14-24 (2014)


  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, „The Integrated Selective Readout Amplifier for NMOS THz Detectors”, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lublin, 19-21.06.2014, 2014, str. 272-277


  • Wniosek Patentowy RP: P.409222, P. Kopyt, „Detektor promieniowania elektromagnetycznego o podniesionej czułości”




  • C. Kołaciński, D. Obrębski, „Design of Analog Integrated Readout Circuit for NMOS THz Detectors”, Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Gdynia, 20-22.06.2013, str. 222-228, (referat)


  • D. Obrębski, A. Szymański, J. Marczewski, D. Tomaszewski, M. Grodner, J. Pieczyński, „Development of Ionizing Radiation Detectors Integrated with Readout Electronics”, Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Gdynia, 20-22.06.2013, str. 229-234, (referat)


  • J. Marczewski, K. Kucharski, D. Tomaszewski, P. Grabiec, J. Łusakowski, K. Karpierz, M. Białek, P. Kopyt, W. Gwarek, P. Zagrajek, W. Knap „Si Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor for THz Detection”, Mat. konf. The International Joint Sinano/Nanofunction/New Member States-Eastern Europe/ENI2 Workshop on Advanced Process and Device Integration and Innovative Nanofunctions in Nanoelectronics, Kijów, 8-11.04.2013, (referat)


  • G. Głuszko, D. Tomaszewski, J. Malesińska, K. Kucharski, „A Simple Method for Extraction of Threshold Voltage of FD SOI MOSFETs”, Proceedings of the 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Gdynia, 20-22.06.2013, str. 101-105, (referat)


  • P. Zagrajek, et al., "THz optical element for the field effect transistor detectors", THz Days and GDR-I Network Meeting (THZ2013), Cargese 25-27.03.2013, (referat)


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